Classic Data Analytics I - W2

Big Data 经典数据分析1 - W2

Posted by Aaron on September 2, 2019

Text Analytics

Text Data and Applications

Text Analytics:

  • Clustering(聚类)
    • Grouping documents based on their hidden topics
  • Classification(分类)
    • Spam email detection based on email content\
  • Sentiment analysis
    • It extracts social sentiment from a document (positive, negative, neutral)

Characteristics of Text Data

  • Different types: characters, numbers, punctuations
  • High-fequency words: a, the, in. To, is
  • Different forms of words

Feature Extraction (特征提取)

Feature extraction on text data: The process of transforming raw data into numerical features that can be processed while preserving the information in the orginal data set

After Feature Extraction: feed the extracted features into data analytical methods

Tokenization(标记化/词汇切分): 1, convert the text into a sequence of tokens(words/terms) 2, Observation meaningless or meaningful


  • Simple approach: 1,split by spaces. 2, ignore all numbers and punctuation 3, use case-insensitive strings as tokens(空格分隔、不区分标点、不区分大小写)
  • Stopwords: function words: a, the, in, to. Pronouns I, he, she, it
  • Stemming: For matching purpose, convert keywords in the documents to their stems(base word forms)(将词汇转换为基本词干)
    • Poter Stemmer : procedure for removing known prefixes/suffixes(删除单词前后缀)
    • For example computer, computational, computation… ->comput
    • Side effects: may produce stems that are not words, or different meaning from the original word;(organization ->organ)
    • (补充:English: NLTK, SpaCy, Stanford…中文:THULAC, FoolNLTK, HanLP, Ictclas, HIT…)

Text Corpus and Vocabulary

  • Text corpus: the set of texts used for the task(该任务的语料库), The set of unique words is referred to as the vocabulary.

Bag of Words Model

Convert each document to a bag(multiset) of words/terms. A bag allows multiple occurrence of a term.

Bags(Multiset) of words with Term Frequence.


Bag-of-words Model is one Example of Vector Space Model

  • After feature extraction,We convert each document to a vector, convert the text corpus to a matrix.(文档转换为向量,语料库转换为矩阵)

Vector space Model

  • The vector space model is defined by basis vectors.(向量空间由基向量所定义)
    • Each term in vocabulary defines a basis vector $T_i$.(每个术语定义了一个基向量)
    • Each basis vector is orthogonal to each other.(每个基向量彼此正交)
  • Document $D_j$ As T-dimensional vector
    • t is the size of vocabulary.(t是预处理后保留的术语的数量)
    • $D_j$ = ($w_1j$ , $w_2j$ , $w_3j$ , … $w_tj$ , )
    • $w_ij$ denotes the weight of term $T_i$ in a document $D_j$.



Cosine Similarity

With respect to query text: {cheap, quiet, nice, hotel}

  1. Convert query text to query vector [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]


  1. We need a similarity measure between query and documents

    [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]


Inner Product: 𝐪 ⋅ $𝐱 = 𝑥_1𝑞_1 + ⋯ + 𝑥_𝑛𝑞_𝑛 $

The magnitude/length of a n-dimensional vector $x = [x_1, x_2,…,x_n]$ \(||x||=\sqrt[]{x_1^2+...x_n^2}\) Cosine similarity measures the cosine of the angle between vectors(余弦相似度:向量之间的夹角余弦) \(CosSim(q,x)=q\cdot x \over ||q||\ |x||\) Inner Product and Cosine Similarity

  • Both are defined in the inner product space

  • Cosine similarity only cares about angle difference(余弦相似度只关心角度)

  • Inner product cares about angle and magnitude(内积关注角度和大小)


TF-IDF: Determine the importance of a Word, Term Frequency.

  1. More frequent terms in a document are more important. $tf_{ij} = frequency\ of\ term\ i\ in \ document \ j$

  2. Inverse ducument frequency IDF

    Terms that appear in many different documents are less indicative of overall topic in a document.

    $𝑑𝑓_𝑖$ = number of documents containing term 𝑖

    $𝑖𝑑𝑓_𝑖$ = inverse document frequency of term 𝑖

    ​ = $log_2(\cfrac N{df_i})$

​ TF-IDF weighting: The combined term importance indicator is called tf-idf weighting: $w_{ij}=tf_{ij}\cdot idf_i$

  • A term has high weight when: it occurs frequently in the document, but rarely in the rest of the collection.

==Exercise slide53==



Unsupervised Algorithms


Applications and Concepts

Clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar(similarity measures相似度度量) to each other than to those in other groups(clusters).将对象进行分组,使同一组对象中的相似程度比其他组更高

Clustering is used:

  • As a stand-tool to get insight inito data distribution.(集群可视化)
  • As a preprocessing step for other algorithms.(数据清洗和压缩)

Outlier Analysis by clustering

  • Outliers are objects that do not belong to any cluster or form clusters of very small cardinality
  • Distances on numerical values



Euclidean distance:欧氏距 \(d(x_i, x_j)= \sqrt[2]{|x_{i1}-x_{j1}|^2+|x_{i2}-x_{j2}|+...+|x_{ip}-x_{jp}|^2}\)

  • $d(x_i, x_j)\ge0$ (non-negativity)
  • $d(x_i, x_j)=0$ (coincidence) 契合
  • $d(x_i, x_j)=d(x_j, x_i)$ (symmetry) 对称
  • $d(x_i, x_j)\le d(x_i, x_k)+d(x_k, x_j)$ (triangular inequality)三角不等式

Also one can use weighted distance \(d(x_i, x_j)= \sqrt[2]{w_1|x_{i1}-x_{j1}|^2+w_2|x_{i2}-x_{j2}|+...+w_p|x_{ip}-x_{jp}|^2}\) The centroid or geometric center of a plane figure is the arthmetic mean position of all the points in the shape.平面图形的质心/几何中心是该形状所有点坐标算术平均值位置



Partitioning method划分方法:Construct a partition of a database D of objects into a set of k clusters.将数据库D中的N个对象划分为k个集群

  • Each cluster is represented by the center of the cluster.
  1. k initial random centroids in the data domain. 初始数据域中的随机质心
  2. Assign objects to nearest centroid to from clusters.
  3. Update centroids by conputing the mean ofa each cluster.通过计算每个簇的平均值计算质心
  4. go to step 2




Strength: Relatively efficient: O(tkn), wheren is # objects, k is $cluster, and t is #iteration.(对象数量,簇数量, 迭代次数) Normallymk,t«n


  • Applicable only when mean is defined (what about categorical data)?仅在平均数据有效时有用

  • Need to specify k, the number of clusters, in advance需要制定簇的数量

  • Unable to handle noisy data and outliers.无法处理噪声和异常值

  • Not suitable to discover clusters with non-convex shapes.不能判断非凸簇

Distance between clusters

  • Single Link: smallest distance between any points in two clusters
  • Complete Link: largest distance between any points in two clusters
  • Centroid: distance between the centroids of two clusters
  • Average Link: average distance of all pairwise points in clusters
  • Average of the distances of the 4*3 pairs of points in the example